Manage your karaoke shows with ease. Clickless search, drag-n-drop functionality, and many other unique features designed to bring you the most simplified management of your karaoke shows, being both robust yet simple to use. Karma eliminates many time wasting tasks to free you up for more enjoyable things like interacting with the crowd or taking a break.
- Superior audio/video quality - Utilizes Karaosoft's custom hybrid audio/video engine for flawless sound and key changes without low end distortion. Smooth video playback and lyrics synch on minimum hardware.
- Triple display support - Optional triple display mode with 3 separate video outputs for KJ, singer, and crowd. Automatically shows lyrics to singer display while showing the crowd a different view with customizable information and displays during performances. For music videos, video automatically switches to crowd display when no singer is assigned.
Private messaging - Send private messages to singer screen only(like "back off the mic" without embarrassing the singer), or to the crowd screen only.
- Paperless slips - Let your singers use SingNext.com to send paperless slips right from their phones without having to leave their seat. New auto mode allows singers to pick specific versions, automatically add themselves to the rotation, and add songs to their queue.
- Advanced scroller - Keep vital information scrolling and always available on the crowd display, even while lyrics or music videos are playing, including list of singers coming up in the rotation, KJ information, venue information, and information about online songbooks and online requests that singers can access from their phones.
- Simplified song search - No need to take the time to drag your
mouse to the search box. Just start typing!
- Drag and drop songs and singers with ease. Change a singer's
position in rotation by a simple drag and drop (mouse or touch), and watch the playlist order automatically
change to suite the new rotation order!
- Touch screen scrolling with inertia. Scroll long lists on touch screens with the flick of a finger.
- Automatic playlist sorting on any song add or rotation change. Any
queued DJ music automatically stays in place while songs assigned to singers are
automatically sorted around them.
- Auto-Play / Auto-Pitch - Set pitch ahead of time for individual songs to
automatically be set when the song is played. Set DJ music to Autoplay one
after another with automatic crossfade so you can take a break without worry.
- Single screen multi-panel layout insures no panel or grid will ever overlap another during your show
and all show related controls are always onscreen. Panels can be arranged
in one of 64 different layouts, and then personally sized to fit your needs.
- On-the-fly lyrics timing - Ever have the lyrics ahead or behind? AV synch control can be changed on the fly.
- Version changer - Singer didn't want to sing that version? Click the "Now Playing" bar and view all of the available versions for a quick change.
- Scalable font size control - OnScreen Proportional Scaling with auto adjusting panel sizes
- Skin support -
Customize the on screen color pallette and surface textures, and save to reloadable skin files. Now with customizable background gradient control.
- Complete song history logging with custom reports
- Automatic crossfader, multiplex routing, and more...

- additional support for AVI, MOV, and MPEG videos
System requirements / recommendations
- Windows 11, Windows 10, or Windows 8.1
- 2 Ghz i3 or faster processor (for multi-screen HD, recommend 2.2Ghz i5
or better)
- 4 GB RAM minimum / 8GB or more recommended
- 1280 minimum resolution width for primary display
- SSD drive recommended (for retrieval speed and vibration immunity)
"As usual, you have done it again!!!
Karma, is so far much easier to use than what I have previously used."
PJ Arellano
Nashville, Tennessee
"Can I just say Karma is the best programme
for karaoke on the market today, it absolutely rocks, it is simply a joy to use,
you guys have thought of everything. "
Judy Hadwin
Kirkby Lonsdale,
United Kingdom